About me

I am a first year Ph.D. student in University of Virginia, supervised by Prof. Anil Vullikanti. Prior to that, I obtained my master degree in Imperial College London, where I worked with Prof. Alessio and Dr. Yang Zheng, and I obtained my bachelor degree in Dalian University of Technology, where I worked with Prof. Xuewen Huang

Research Interests

I am broadly interested in Machine Learning Security, Privacy, Trustworthy AI, and Optimization.

I am currently learning differential privacy. Welcome to have any discussions if you are also interested in this field.

Prior Projects

XGBD: Explanation-Guided Graph Backdoor Detection

Zihan Guan, Mengnan Du, Ninghao Liu, ECAI 2023, Poland



Feature Synchronization in Backdoor Attacks

Zihan Guan, Lichao Sun, Mengnan Du, Ninghao Liu, CIKM 2023, UK



A Tightened SDP Relaxation for Neural Network Verification Problem [Master Thesis]

Zihan Guan, Yang zheng, Alessio Lomuscio




I love working out.

Current progress (updated to 2023/7/18):

  • Bench Press: 84kg
  • Deadlift: 125kg
  • Sqaut: 100kg
  • Pull-up: 14
  • L-support: 10 (seconds)
  • Tucked Planche: 10 (seconds)
  • Wall-assisted handstand: 30 (seconds)